Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hong Yuen

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 im going to blog about someone...reason being its their i thought why not just write something about them..lets see...he is a man of many talents...he is a lot of things....first off
he is a very strong swimmer...

he is a swimming coach...

he is also a water polo player....

an achiever....

a former PBSM...

a martial art pro?...

a dancer....

a snorkeler...

an OC...

a CLS addict....

a SS king...

an emo-ist...

a retard....

everybody's friend(even the ang mo's)...

and many more...yes...thats right..its none other than Lim Hong Yuen...even though he took up the name Alex awhile back..but im still not used to you will always be Hong Yuen to i were saying..he is a man of many talents and abilities...but none of that actually matters...cause what really does is that he is my friend....
p/s: hong yuen..i cnt believe im actually using this photo..zzz..
today...23rd of September is his birthday...and due to his BUSY schedule..this was the only thing that we manage to do...birthday boy...jas and i went to sushi king and had lunch there...

yes...i have to admit there were ups and there were downs in our friendship..but what makes a friendship strong is the ability to prevail despite all that have if you have someone who you are still friends with after you've been through so much together...don let it go to waste...appreciate them....pick up the them or just send a simple might just make their this one goes out to you..thanks for being my friend and being there when it counts....may this friendship last and blossom more with time...all the best and have a nice birthday...and also...good luck in exam...XD...

Joshy Kool
signing out...


Jolly Junny said...

totally OMG!! I luv yr post!

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