Friday, April 17, 2009


Friday, April 17, 2009
lol...havent update for a few days now...reason...just been dead busy...this whole week i been going out...i mean EVERYDAY...haha...monday..tuesday...culture night...wednesday went out to do my academic writing....thursday..went out to watch went out for a movie...and dint go for satay celup..haha...keeping that for sunday...tomorrow is the symphonious odyssey...sunday pc fair...lolz...i life is just busy...lets see...i posted blogs for monday and to rush the stupid academic writing because the due date was on thursday...therefore went to hong yuen house and was writing that dam essay until bloody late so i stayed over at his place...skipped the morning class on thursday because i was dead tired and hong yuen dint really want to go..therefore when laziness + people persuaying to skip clas u will get = CONFIRM SKIP class...went for english on thursday but i was completely in a blur blur state..i have no idea why but thurs i was just blur and tired even though i manage to sleep for quite a bit at hong yuen's place...
the place where i slept..

hong yuen doing work...

me doing work....

went for applied maths class later on...i guess it was just whole row was the target for my lecturer that i could barely fool around like i usually do...and yew meng is freaking rich...saw what he bought..lolz...rm200 over for a box of plastic...swt...i think he is the only one capable of doing that....lolz..i will take a picture of that rm200 worth of plastic once he complete it....then later on that night went to watch some anime in FSER...haha...and one anime actually caught my attention...kamen no maid guy....later on that day i got back home and stream for the whole thing and i finished that season 1 of that im just waiting for season 2...cant wait!...its freaking awesome...haha...bloody perverted...but its freaking hilarious....oh download speed been amaaazing this past few days..been downloading movies like crazy..i watched monster vs aliens...
and also....hotel for dogs....
that are yet to be screen on malaysia theaters vs alien is nice...i remember the last animation that i watch which was this entertaining was bolt...haha...anyway...went for friday the 13th today...
erm..reminder..not for the weak of heart...its a movie that is fill with brutality...but seriously...mbo sucked...its already a 18 show and yet the sensored all the vulgar word which is practically the whole show...dam anoying audio...oh mbo was bloody empty...nobody was there at all...haha...
the mbo that was abandoned...

shaun buying tickets...

choosing the can see how unoccupied it was...

movies to look out for...

after the movie shaun and i went for mcD...XD...after that i went back home...and do what i usually do...which is...SLEEEEPZZZZZZZZZZZZ....haha....nothing beats a nice long nap...XD...and now im blogging...tomorrow i wil be going for the odeyssy...and sunday pc using the stupid stuff that i learned in english class..model verbs or something..cant really remember...XD...anyway...time to continue my movie marathon...XD....update tomorrow...



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