Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008

-boy that is feeling the Christmas mood Josh-
Is it that you are working - or even playing - too hard? Because it would seem that you are experiencing a great deal of pent-up emotion at this time which could possibly take effect and lead to irrational behavior.
Recently you have been experiencing considerable mental anguish and turmoil. You are bored and discontent. Nothing seems to be going right for you. Even your relationships aren't working out and you don't quite know which way to turn.
Enough is enough - but the problems never seem to stop. They never stop. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit - you bounce back time and time again - you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that 'belief' system that in the end, everything will turn out OK - and you are right -it will!
For whatever the reason, you find it extremely difficult to sustain relationships - that is to sustain them in the manner that you would wish. You are a very gentle sort of person, full of feeling, sensitivity and susceptible to love and affection, looking and longing for a partner with whom you can enjoy 'All things bright and beautiful' - someone with whom you can seek out the more esoteric things of life. But up to now this person has only existed in your imagination. You are very choosy, appreciative, refined and extremely artistic in temperament and it is your hope to seek others who will allow you to form and express your own taste and judgement and who at the same time may assist you in your intellectual or artistic growth.
Perhaps in the distant past your trust and belief in your fellow man was misplaced and you can now no longer accept anything as it appears to be. You are untrusting and you insist that before you commit yourself to anything, you examine the pro's and con's with critical discrimination. The situation has now progressed to one where you are apt to disagree yet not make any form of constructive criticism to every suggestion that may be put to you. As a result you are in limbo. There is a saying that goes 'The past does not equal tomorrow'. Think about it - and let go.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Best moment in life...
1. Falling in love. (haih..never jadi)
2. Laughing till your stomach hurts. (it really hurts)
3. Enjoying a ride down the country side. (nostalgia)
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio. (there ain't anything else better than this..)
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside. (best sleep ever...)
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.. (best way to relief the shivering cold)
7. Passing your final exams with good grades. (haha..somehow feel kinda proud...)
8. Being a part of an interesting conversation. (enjoy every moment of it..)
9. Finding some money in some old pants. (haha...its like a gift from god..XD..)
10. Laughing at yourself. (feelin ridiculous..)
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.(u mean snatching food across the table from a friend's plate..)
12. Laughing without a reason. (sometimes...)
13. 'Accidentally' hearing someone say something good about you. (doubt that ever happen before..haih...)
14. Watching the sunset.(most beautiful scene ever..)
15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.(teary eyes...)
16. Receiving or giving your first kiss. (I'm still a virgin *wink*)
17. Feeling this buzz in your body when seeing this 'special' someone. (hmmm...don't have that now a days...)
18. Having a great time with your friends.(used hope to...)
19. Seeing the one you love happy. =) (glad?...)
20. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume. (still haven't experience it yet...)
21. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories. (makes me feel old...)
22. Hearing someone telling you 'I LOVE YOU'(wish that someone would do so...)
P/S: grab from edwin...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
What I have done?....Tag
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
e. Rate the songs from 1 to 10.10 for the best sng you'v ever heard.
1. If someone says,”Is this okay?”
50 cent, Eminem, Llyod Bank, Cashis - You Don't Know (hmm....)(5)
2. How would you describe yourself?
Simple Plan - Welcome to my life (XD..welcome to my SP)(8)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Katy Perry - I kissed a girl (hahaha...)(8)
4. How do you feel today?
Pink - U & Ur Hand (hmm?...)(6)
5. What is your life’s purpose?
Rob Thomas - Lonely no more (yeah...)(7)
6. What is your motto?
Rihanna - Shut up and drive (lolz...)(8)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Ashley Simpsons - L.O.V.E (yeah...^^)(7)
David Archuleta - Crush ( not true)(7)
9. What is 2+2?
Nelly Furtado - Im like a bird (swt?...not related at all)(8)
10. What do you think of your best friend?
Hinder - Better than me (yeah i gues...)(8)
11. What do you think of the person you like?
The Fray - Unsaid (lolz..)(5)
12. What is your life?
O2 jam remix - Beautiful Day (lolz!!!)(7)
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Frankie J - More than words (haha...)(8)
14. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Fall Out Boys - This aint a scene,its an arm race ( swt?..a race?..=.=)(7)
15. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Colbie Caillat - Realise (lolz..realise i found some1 i love?...)(8)
16. What will they play at your funeral?
Simple Plan - Crazy (swt!..i noe im crazy..haha...)(7)
17. What is your hobby/interest?]
Miley Cyrus - See You Again (lolz...?)(7)
18. What is your biggest fear?
Sean Paul - Get busy ( lolz..i wan a free life....)(7)
19. What is your biggest secret?
kardinal Offishall, Sean Paul, Akon - Dangerous remix (lolz? dangerous..XD)(7)
20. What do you think of your friends?
Madagascar - I like to move it (swt?...=.=)(7)
21. What will you post this as?
Linkin Park - What Ive Done (lolz...)(4)
22. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
Shakira - Beautiful liar (soooo unappropriate)(5)Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The boy..
he was trying to prove a point - they misunderstood it
he was hurting - they hurt him even more
he was trying with all his might - they made his efforts seem so pointless
he gave up and tried to change - somehow it never felt right
he was seriously breaking apart - they dint notice
he thought they don't care anymore - was he correct?
he shed tears from his heart - his heart was shattered
he was crying - will they reach out to him?
-he who has tons of question-
-the boy that is out of time Josh-
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tired and Lazy morning...
-the boy that is tired and lost Josh-
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
-angry boy Josh-
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Drenched!!!! the rain...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Darkest Darkness Regret..
- the boy that knows regret Josh -
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Sleepless Nights....

Im physically and mentally battered but somehow my body refuse to rest. I took a nap and slept a hell lot, but Im still exhausted. There are like tons of stuff going through my mind right now, I guess i really need to settle everything that is going on before my body can get a proper rest, one which i lack. Somehow all my efforts seem futile, no matter how i struggle or try, my work load just pile up, it never decrease no matter what I do. If this continuous sooner or later Im going to look just like that, nothing but an empty hollow shell with no soul in it....
-the boy that need rest Josh-
Monday, November 24, 2008
Did i found myself again?...
-the boy that wish to see a ray of hope Josh-
based on our common knowledge and senses...we classified people that we do not know or is not close with as strangers..we are always educated to not take things from strangers and try not to talk to strangers...but if we dont talk to are we even going to break the boundary of being a stranger and turn them into your friends and ally...this is yet another mystery...
classification of strangers or even strangers itself can be a very oxymoronic thing..we often classified people that we do not know as strangers...but do we classified people that we know as strangers?...its yet another question that came to my mind today..somehow..
and the answer for that question is yes..thats why i say strangers can be a very oxymoronic thing...really close friends can just be a couple of perfect stranger at is scary and terrifying...its a feeling which one should be afraid and terrified think that the person that you think you understand the most turn out to be someone whom you cant talk to the this particular should really evaluate everything that had been going on and try to locate the problem and solve it before it turns into a mistake that one wished that they never made in the first place..
so live life with no regrets..appreciate everything that you are gifted with....
-the boy that just realise regrets Josh-
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The story
he was disappointed - they do not know
he attempted to hide it - nobody sensed it
he felt sorry - nobody understood
he apologized - nobody listened
he was tacit - they didn't notice
he obliged - they did not appreciate
he tried - it wasnt enough
he failed - they dint care
he cried - he hid - they searched not
but above and regardless of everything, do they stil love?
after everything, he hid, he still loved, and he forgave, but nobody understood...
-lonely boy Josh-
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Finding purpose in a once purposeful life
They say people change, its part of life..I agree. But you dont have to accept that bad changes right? or do you? I dont know..I never know anymore..Im so confused about everything, about my life, the way I act, who Ive been, who Ive become, and more importantly, who I wil be in the end..Everytime I think about this, I fail to grasp the problem behind whats tormenting my mind. There are times when I feel like Ive found it, but Im simply terminating a few thorns, while spikes are still growing...
"Seventeen is only more than sixteen in the number of syllables it contains."
But in the midst of the education, it feels like Im losing sense of who I am. I used to be able to value friendship above grades, God above pleasure, company above solitude..In spite of everything, I know that deep down inside of me somewhere, I still know whats most important to me in this world, and I pray I wil never lose sight of my purpose in life.
"How far do you dare to go before you realize you are not going anymore?"
I want so much and I deserve so much less, and can achieve as much as I believe I can..In ways I know that friends are not as important or as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be, but I also know that its also not as easy as some make it out to be. But it feels like, that's what has become my main priority. I'm constantly caught up in work and realize that for however long now, I have lost sense of who I am and what life is really about...
"How much can you believe yourself to be capable of before you realize that sacrifices are inevitable, and you have to gain at the expense of others?"
I guess living for the past few months have made me realize that at times you need to sacrafice others for your own benefits...but is everyone capable of doing so to the one who they call friends?...i gues its another dilemma with no definite answer....cause if they do..are they really your friends?..if they dont..some might judge them as being dumb...
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley
Well one good thing that I have got out of all this is that I realize how much my friends mean to me and how I love love love them so much and I totally cant live without them because they mean so much to me. And there are always people willing to listen, but sometimes Im unwilling to share, and I guess thats just part of life i totally disagree with Eliusabeth Foley..even though we hate to admit it..but for us the true measure of how close we are..are the time that we spend togethor...
As for now...i surrender...Yes, I surrender..I am weak..I am hopeless..I am a failure..I dont deserve to live..and you know what? I can admit to all that and not feel the least bit shameful, because I know its true and there's nothing wrong with that..after just Josh...not God...
-the lost boy Josh-
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Give n Take
A year ago, I wud still b naive enuf to believe I even held relative control over my life..a few months ago, I started to admit defeat to my own humanity and surrendered to God...a few weeks ago, I decided to give whole life..every aspect of it (o at least I tried)..a few days ago..I realized I was still holding on..attempting to steer the wheel when it seemed as though I was about to this exact moment in time..I want to stop..I want to completely put all my faith, and all my trust in fate's that regardless of how close it seems that I am to crashing and losing it all..i hop to hv the opportunity to hv the chance to rejoice tht everyting is goin to b is tht even possible?..
I dint ask 4 any of this..I dint ask for life..I dint ask to move..I dint ask to make friends..that would eventually not be friends..I dint ask to be hurt..there are a lot of things I dint ask for..
Im hurting..Im crying..Im breaking down..but its so hard to let go of the things I love..the people I love..Is it utterly necessary? to let go of those we love, only because they stop loving you..(or finding out they never did) or finding out people you called friends really arent so friendly to you after all..I dont want to..I really dont want to..because they mean so much to me. If I were God, I wud be able to love others unconditionally. But I'm not, I'm just Josh, and Josh doesn't know how long he can take this any longer..Maybe its time to move on, but I dont want to..I dont think I can..I wouldnt have fathomed that people could drift so quick..And it scares me that, despite how sure you are of how close you are at a point in time, there comes another point in time with the possiblity that it wont be the same anymore....
-a broken boy-
Sunday, November 16, 2008
PeN@nG G3nTinG
i was packing...lolz...

nxt ting u noe..i was edi in the bus...way too i gues i cnt resist bt to ss..XD

n coz the journey was like super duper we hv to stop 4 lunch...n trust me..nxt time..bring ur own lunch...the food thr sux..n the price....CUT THROAT...tis plate of food..cost RM7.50!!!...i repeat...RM7.50...lolz....haih...

well..after 7 hrs long...we finally arrive in penang...n another hr lata we reach the place whr v r suppose to is a pic of it...
oh ya..b4 tht..thr were a couple of pic i took of the beautiful sky n weather...XD...
after we all hv frenshen up n bla bla..we went n ate dinner..lolz...we ate it wif jer's was kinda an awkward well..his parents were cool...haha...XD...n without noticing it..we were hungry again..n we went hunting 4 our 1st supper in penang..n tis is the fruit of our hunt...XD
n being a veli self obses bunch...we jz cnt resist takin pic here n here r a few prove...
after being obses wif ourselves..lolz...we went n hunt 4 our so cal breakfas...more like our lunch...n we end up eating penang kuey tiao..lolz..they gt crab meat n BIG prawn on it..take a look...

n after tht...i gues we ended up in botanical garden..thr was tis some wat like a tunnel..lolz...looks like a walkway to heaven...haha...

den thr was the day when we went 2 the beach...saltiest beach i hv ever been on...lolz...

n den..thr was genting....lolz...

lolz..the weather was nt tht gd when i was goin up..raining..haih...

haha...oh ya..n we paid a hell lot to eat tauge..=.=..exp bowl of tauge in genting..zz..langsung no mee...

lolz...i gues tht pretty much sum it up...haha...nt the full detail i gues thts till nxt time..Josh...XD