Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Tuesday, April 27, 2010
a double birthday celebration took place yesterday night in carry on...the event started with a simple dinner and later on things got slightly out of control....haha...those that went would understand what i meant...for those of you who were not there..dont worry..there are pictures to go along with what i said...
but before i go into details about the stuff that happened after dinner...let me re highlight the purpose of this post...its a post where we take the time and wish 2 of my friends a happy happy birthday....guo chen and also eng chun...happy birthday....
things started off with a simple dinner at carry on....20 of us showed up with various means of transport and we gathered there around 930pm....it was a cooling night because it rained in the afternoon...having starved ourselves throughout the day...we ate the food like a pack of hungry wolves....and sadly...for my table...the steamboat equipment or whatever it is called was kinda faulty....it was not hot enough..therefore we were forced to eat at a excruciating slow rate while the people around us were chewing and swallowing the food happily....and all good things come to an end...after 3 hours of eating the same food we kinda got sick of it and came to a stop...during the 3 hours of eating we kinda took a turns to go downstairs and write our birthday greetings...we have to bring out the cake before 12am because the the place was closing at 12....but before the cake there was some silly game where we were forced to consume the remainder of the food that we have earlier...hahaha....

after dinner...this is were the real fun starts...and i must admit i was kinda relunctant to the plan at first..but later on i went with it cause there was no escape..haha...most of us headed down to arena for what they call "entertainment"....it started off with some beer...then it ended with alot of dancing...laughing...hugging...kissing...haha...lets just let the pictures do the talking....

Friends. 7 letters. A word we learn from young, to categorize people whom we like, and people whom we don't like. I shall call you friend, the girl over there whom I think is cute; and you over there who picks your nose, you're not my friend, so you don't get to help me build my sand castle. As we grow older, some say wiser, perhaps we learn that friendship is a thing that needs effort, that needs time, something that requires you to pour yourself into, for it to grow. And as our lives progress, we see different friends come and go, and we learn the boundaries of friendship. How far will my supposed bff go for me? How do you draw the line for the intimacy that may exist between two friends? How do you keep it going forever?

I would love, so ardently, to have these answers. And I would be a very wise man if I could take the answers and apply them to my life, but I am neither. Where do you place your friends on the scale of priorities? Behind the girlfriend? In front of the family? Equal to your gaming? A step under your academics? You decide, and you tell me, what's more important to you?

I am blunt, brute perhaps, but it is something I used to find pride in when I was younger. Over the years, I'd like to say I've become more tactful, more diplomatic about confrontations, but there is still an element of the harshness that can dictate my words. Those who understand me will know that I wouldn't use that harshness unless I cared; that if you were unworthy, I would not be bothered making you feel terrible about the way you've been. Some say its cruel, that it's not the right way to go about things, but all the more reason to then right?

There used to be people I could never imagine myself without. They were people I told everything to. And now, what are they in my life? An important presence I hope. They have gone their way and I have gone mine, but I often stop to reminisce upon the times when our lives still interconnected. It's scary the way things change in a few years, the different people that I saw when I visited, I won't deny that. And not being there to walk with them through that change, makes it the more drastic, the more ominous, the more disappointing. And what do they see in me I sometimes wonder; oh what I'd give to know.

I try to be a good friend, one who is understanding; but as with all things in life, I've come to realize that doing the right thing is often harder than doing the wrong thing. It is easier to get angry than to be patient; easier to be expectant than to be selfless. And we will fail, and we will fall harder than before, because despite our good intentions, we will be misjudged, and we will be forsaken.

I've read a few books, where the ending portrays a character who gives up his life, or his reputation, for someone or something bigger than himself. The author focuses on the fact that the person or organization he gives his life or reputation to, never rewards him, never appreciates him, never has the knowledge of what this hero has done. Tragic hero? very much so. And so I often ask myself, would I be able to do that? Will I be able to be the friend that goes on loving, that goes on supporting, even when the friends you're loving and supporting push you away, discard your efforts, and blame you for their shortcomings. Will I be able to be the friend that never utters a word of rebuke or retaliation when the friend that you give up everything for lashes back and hurts you?

Today is a special day, it is the day where I celebrate the birth of a good friend, it might be true that the days we have known each other are in no significance compared to other people, but I guessed we clicked. We clicked in more ways than I could ever imagine and hoped for, therefore I am thankful, I am not thanking fate nor am I thanking God, but I am thanking you for being my friend, a friend that excel in so many categories and have shared my burden in so many ways that you could never possibly imagine. You. I doubt that people would consider me as a perfect friend, but when people say perfect friend; and I know, I am not there yet. I hope very much that I would be, but like everything else in life, a journey takes time, and when we finally reach there, we realize the destination was never as appealing as the journey itself.

Happy Birthday Day…my dear friend…刘荣峻

p/s: I wrote in Chinese for you!...be proud…lol….

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Food Fat-ish!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
food fat-ish!...yup..thats right....its fat-ish instead of fetish....haih..now a day many malaysian are gaining weight at a ridiculous rate...all this is thanks to the endless variety and delicious cuisine that we malaysian can make....there you have it.....a glimpse of the endless variety when it comes to food in malaysia....we are surrounded by food 24/7....haha...its impossible for us not to eat!~...which explains the current issue faced by malaysian...food fat-ish...im one of the many that is currently entangled within the issue...T.T..need to work my lazy ass off...if not i would end up being obese!!....even a post like this is bringing out the hunger in me...i guess it just cant be helped....

Monday, April 19, 2010


Monday, April 19, 2010
it has been a while since i last updated..lol...MIA for the past few days cause i was working throughout the weekend..haha...and i must say its a blast...would like to extend my greatest gratitude to eng chun for all the help he has given me....thanks to him i got the job and paid off some of my debt...haha...so thanks a million....and it has been ages since i last post a ss pic..so i guess its time to embarrass myself again...><... calvin...you got one of the MOST comfy bed ever....gosh...and your comforter...its super soft...haha...im in love....in love with your bed...so 5 star for the best bed ever...haha....anyway...until next time...toodles...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mix and Mash....

Saturday, April 10, 2010
well well...a lot to rant about..but i have no idea where to start...lets see...i think i would start off with the mmu parking issue...for those of you that dont know...the parking lot in front of emerald park has been demolished...its now under construction for some condominium...which means less parking lots for mmu students...and mmu is not opening up the staff parking area to students despite it being EMPTY all day long...isnt that kinda ridiculous..that would be a total waste of space...and to make things worse....mmu got to call the authority to come summon all the cars along the ep and ixora road..not only are they not helping the students..but they are trying to increase our burden?....and the excuse that mmu gave us was that within mmu there are more than enough parking lots for student that is an image of our parking lot...is that more than enough?...is that 1000 parking lots?....god...even a 5 year old kid can answer that question.....they said they opened up a new parking lot in taman dahlia....well its true that they opened up a new parking lot...but its a long long walk from that parking lot to our lecture halls...and the so call parking lot is made out of rocky roads instead of the usual tar road..they spent money to rebuild a volley ball court that is already there...why cant they just use the money to cover the new parking lot with tar....seriously..something need to be done...the new management that is....they are killing the reputation that mmu once had....i mean the new exam system...the new course structure....the new muet system...and now this....there is a limit to how much a person can be pushed around....sooner o later a riot among students is going to happen....i really hope that mmu management would open up their eyes before things get ugly.....next...my car...i still remember vaguely the promise that the repair man made to me about 2 months ago...i recall that he said it would take 3 weeks top to fix my car...and guess what...its already 2 whole months!...learn how to count!...if not go get yourself a calender...there is a difference between weeks and months!....seriously...give me back my car already...its such a pain without transport...i feel so bounded....oh my sweet sweet beloved car..hope to see you soon.....
presentation...suppose to have my LES1010 presentation on this coming monday...but because of blockhead ass that went and change the time without prior notice...now the presentation got to take a step back and be delayed for a week...and this is meant for the person who did such outrages act "way to go!*this is sarcasm if you are to dumb to get it*"....enough of ranting..now lets move on to other stuff...donny was sick last week..haha..some minor food poisoning..and he said that he want to eat something that is not oily...and this is his definition of healthy food...=.=......healthy right?..XD....5 star for eating healthy...hehe...
and for the past week...i learned a lot about someone..i mean for me to learn that much of someone in one week..i find that its an accomplishment...haha...but i must say..its nice...or rather...its my just my luck where i found someone that share something in common with me...yes i know what you are thinking..you can find people with common interest anywhere..so whats so special...when i say something in common i mean the past...and somehow i feel that we clicked..so its good to have a new friend found....gah..classes are ending...which means its drawing nearer to the exam period...haha...everybody seemed to be damn worked up...truth being told..feel kinda pressured to see everyone around me studying...haha...but they just wont believe that im capable of feeling stress...zzz....oh well..just hope i can finish my studies in time and do well in my finals....
haha...been in the mood for a lot of things lately..and writing would be one of them...but sadly not enough time to do any of the things im in the mood for...haha...for example...i havent had mcD for over 2 months now..its a new record!!...2 whole months without mcD..and i survive!..im still alive...haha..k..i would stop being so dramatic..XD...sushi king bonanza starts this coming monday...i also havent had sushi for over 2 months now...seriously...what happen to my food crazes now all i can think about is the ipoh dimsum..lol...something is definitely wrong with me...im not craving for fast food..lol!....ahh..and there is a new singapore movie out...feel like watching it in the cinemas..but im still wondering if i have the time for it...haha...i have yet watch alice in wonderland...clash of the titans..and also how to train your dragon..haha...its been a long long time since i had such a long update..i guess i should stop before i bore you..toodles...
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