Monday, July 27, 2009

Heavy Rain...

Monday, July 27, 2009

its a rainy day in melaka...nothing but rain...therefore today is like an emo day for me....accidents were happening all around melaka...that just shows that how bad the weather was earlier today...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Hangover...

Sunday, July 19, 2009
yea....yesterday sharon aka ah ma had a party...a farewell party to be exact....she is going off to before she goes we went and see her for the last time...hehe....the reason why im blogging so early is to blog about this before some copycat blogger does...hohoho....the funny thing is that i was craving for satay the day before and guess what..satay was served at sharon's...haha...after the gathering there a group of us went out..we went aloha..sunshine and finally pure bar...XD....but it was too crowded...~.~...

me and mel mel...XD

me and shaun shaun...

me and jhii...

me and the innocent boy..joe yen..XD...

camwhoring using the reflection of the mirror...

ah ma and me...XD

all the best to u..=P

kong and me..XD...the guy that sat next to me in secondary...damn i miss this guy..haha...everytime i see him i remember we were fighting over paper in class..haha..

im not short k..angle problem...

this just proves love..XD

card for sharon...

this just shows how big the card is...and they are preparing for camwhoring session..XD

the boy who turn out to be not so innocent..haha..

joe yen aso..XD...

look at mahen's cacat face in pure..XD...haha..wei mahen..prove sending to jaya..haha


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sunday, July 12, 2009
After a stressful week...the best way to blow off some steam would be paintball...yup..thats right..paintball...what better way to relax than to shoot up credit to low..he made this a successful event...we were gathered and what else...we were shooting at everyone and everything...but seriously the protective mask they should have some anti-fog layer or something cause we get fog up really easy and we cant see anything we would just be firing blindly....if you wan the information on the site you can click HERE ...
yup..thats right...thats me..

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Art of Backstabbing....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Step 1....Conspire with all the fellow accomplice....
Step 2....Get behind your target's back....
Step 3....Act as normal as you can infront of them and try to be as nice as possible...
Step 4....Once they let their guard down...take them out with everything and everyone you got...
Step 5....Brag about it once you succeeded (eg. put it on msn, facebook or anything that you think people might see...)
Step 6.....Now enjoy every moment of it as you watch your target perish in despair....

but sadly im not a professional in this type of art...some of you might be...and therefore those people around will suffer the consequences....if you dont get what im trying to say..dont wont be able to decode this...this is meant for those that still feel some guilt after doing what they did....for those that are beyond truly disappointed...or should i say....i feel that it was my mistake for even knowing you...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Thursday, July 9, 2009
im blogging from my computer lab....trying to figure out the sense of belonging in the middle of my class...lately i feel like i dont belong....not to any place nor where do i actually belong?...sometimes you feel that when you are with your friends you dont belong...then you start to question youself...are they your real friends?....sometimes when you are at feel like you dont belong...and you start to question yourself this your real home? that a sign for a change?....i have no idea....its at these days where i actually realise that there are not many people who i can really depend on...its up to one can actually help you...its something that you must figure out there i m...wondering....what should i do...what should i have done? it too late?....or is it that im too afraid to take a stand....gosh...what should i do....i have no idea at all...everythin is so perplexing that it hurts soo much when i think about it....if anyone would just point me in the right direction....gosh...i don usually get caught up in dilemmas like this...but somehow it got me this time..and it got my hard....that day i was blog hopping and i saw a friend's post and i instantly felt some heartache when i saw some of the photos....the photos brought back some feelings which i tried to surpress for a very long time and suddenly everything just burst out...somehow similar to opening a pandora box....and once its done...its impossible to be undone...what should i do!...


ever feel the feeling of being ignored or trying to ignore everything?...currently dwelling in that emotions....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Irritating little buggers....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ahh...i really cant stand it...i dint plan to blog about thiss till i saw kristy's chat box a moment ago and there cj said that our lecturer are the one that should brush up their english and i couldnt agree gets me everytime..those irritating buggers cant speak proper english..i mean whats up with it that hard to pronounce a bloody simple zero...and yet they go jiro jiro jiro and there i am wondering what the f*** that asshole is saying...i mean i get it if you are chinese ed...even i am one..but how hard is it to pronounce zero with a zeeee instead of jee....and they are having PHD...heck man...and series...for no reason it turned to for a series test it sounded like silly test...which is freaking silly...retarded...they go at a speed that doesnt allow people time to digest what they say and yet they still use confusing language to make the situation tougher....whats up with that...but no matter how terrible two of my lecturers are....the winning award still goes to my EET lecturer...prabu...f**king asshole that cant utter a simple english word clearly and likes to cancel class cause according to him he had finish..but we have no idea of determining it cause we dont even know what shitty language is he speaking...seriously...MMU...get some better lecturer...not some half ass cheap lecturer from india which cant deliver...

The road not taken...

that day i was having class and in the middle of the class my mind just started to wander off into the realm of what if.....therefore i started to imagine all the possibilities that might happened....what would happen if i dint take mechanical engineering..if i would just stick with what i got and went to would my life turn out then...what if i dint attend mmu and attended a local uni which i was offered a scholarship.....what if i just joined utar instead of mmu and pursue my studies in mechatronics.....what if i just went to form 6....what would really happen.....i was there sitting in the middle of the lecture day dreaming of all this what if and it kinda lead me to the crucial decision of whether or not i took the correct major....therefore im having yet another internal what happened previously when i was fickle minded whether to stay in melaka or go to there it is again...the big dilemma all over...but is it too late to do anything about it?...i wonder...i sat there wondering...i went home and laid on my bed and continue to wonder and i doze off into the realm of dreams where everything is possible and there everything was perfect i got everything i ever wanted....but unfornutately i was brought back to reality when my msn received a nudge....all the road not taken...what if....i could only wonder...should i take a stand and fight for what i believe and wish for?..or just sit back and let the chips fall into place....gosh...i really dont know anymore....but one thing is for sure is that if i dint enter mmu i wouldnt have get to know the people whom i now know....its a blessing in the cursed mentality of mine...

Monday, July 6, 2009


Monday, July 6, 2009
gosh..i have no idea why...but somehow im dwelling in the deep pit of despair and negativity...happiness is like the old man told me..look for it...but youll never find it all....happiness feels a lot like sorrow...let it be cause you cant make it come or go.......

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